Imagine combining The Da Vinci Code, The Dead Poets Society and The Paper Chase...
In this new one-man show, Todd Landman probes deep questions about how we know what we know through a variety of mesmerising and inexplicable feats, combined with a mirthful style of presentation that is guaranteed to entertain.
Projecting himself into the shared 'community of human minds', the Academic Magician explores a variety of themes and perennial questions that are just as important today as they were when first raised by ancient philosophers.
What is one thing that you absolutely know to be true?
Is life really 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short'?
Do human rights really exist?
What is really valuable for leading the good life?
What do we know that really matters?
Do you choose to act morally?
Do we have free will?
What is the basis for a just society?
These and other significant questions find their answers through a dynamic, highly interactive and entertaining show that is fun and engaging for all!
'Smart' 'Crafted' 'Gentle'
'...baffled, educated and entertained, all at the same time...'
Audience feedback from the show at The Milton Theatre, Huddersfield
This show is available for public and private performances. It is suitable for small theatres, village halls, stately homes, parlours, corporate events, and other venues and functions.
Fees and booking can be arranged by emailing:
26 February 2014: Corbett Theatre, East 15 Acting School, Loughton
Todd Landman is Associate of the Inner Magic Circle with Silver Star (AIMC), Founder of Pyscrets: The British Society of Mystery Entertainers, Member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), and a Member of Equity. He has over 35 years of performance experience and full public liability insurance.
T 07584 615104 E
Keep In Touch
The Academic Magician is available for a wide range of public, private, and remote performances that suit all the needs of your event.
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